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Trichloroethyl Phosphate
Трихлорэтилфосфат ТХЭФ

Цена за кг зависит от того, сколько готовы купить оптом. 
Температура кипения, °С 330.
Содержание фосфора в процентном соотношении: 11 %
Содержание хлора от 100% вещества: не менее 36,7%

Трихлорэтилфосфат также называется – трис два монохлорэтил фосфат. Сокращенное название ТХЭФ. На латинице Trichloroethyl Phosphate. Является полным эфиром, который создан на основе ортофосфорной кислоты в скупе с этиленхлоргидрином.

Свойства трихлорэтилфосфата, как антипирен известны давно. Что такое антипирен? Это вещество, которое повышает против возгораемые характеристики материалов.

При обработке трихлорэтилфосфат создает однородный состав с полимерами. При этом не вызывает химическую реакцию. Это увеличивает огнезащитный эффект. Также трихлорэтилфосфат ТХЭФ отличный пластификатор. Достигается эффект благодаря присутствию атомов хлора. Применяется в изготовлении нитролинолеума и композиционных материалов в основе которых ацетилцеллюлозы или пенополиуретана.

Трихлорэтилфосфат прекрасно расходится в бензоле, диоксане, этиловом спирте и также толуоле. Расходится не полностью в гексане. И абсолютно не растворим в чистой воде.

Срок годности продукта - 365 дней (с момента розлива).


Чтобы купить ТХЭФ оптом со склада в Москве, Уфе, Туле, Санкт-Петербурге - отправляйте запрос через форму.

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Trichloroethyl Phosphate
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  • What does it look like transparent liquid practically odorless
  • Mass fraction of active substance 90%
  • Fraction of tertiary amine does not contain amine
  • Hydrogen ion activity index -
  • Melting temperature -50
Trichloroethyl Phosphate TCEP
The price per kg depends on how much you are willing to buy in bulk.
Boiling point, ° С 330.
Phosphorus content in percentage: 11%
Chlorine content from 100% of the substance: not less than 36.7%

Trichloroethyl phosphate is also called tris two monochloroethyl phosphate. Abbreviated name TCEP. In Latin Trichloroethyl Phosphate. It is a complete ester based on phosphoric acid mixed with ethylene chlorohydrin.

The properties of trichloroethyl phosphate as a fire retardant have been known for a long time. What is a fire retardant? It is a substance that increases the anti-flammable characteristics of materials.

When processed, trichloroethyl phosphate creates a homogeneous composition with polymers. It does not cause a chemical reaction. This increases the fire retardant effect. Also trichloroethyl phosphate TCEP is an excellent plasticizer. The effect is achieved due to the presence of chlorine atoms. It is used in the manufacture of nitrolinoleum and composite materials based on cellulose acetate or polyurethane foam.

Trichloroethyl phosphate readily disperses in benzene, dioxane, ethyl alcohol and also toluene. Does not completely dissolve in hexane. And it is absolutely insoluble in pure water.

The shelf life of the product is 365 days (from the date of bottling).

To buy TCEP in bulk from a warehouse in Moscow, Ufa, Tula, St. Petersburg - send an application through the form.
  • What does it look like transparent liquid practically odorless
  • Mass fraction of active substance 90%
  • Fraction of tertiary amine does not contain amine
  • Hydrogen ion activity index -
  • Melting temperature -50
    Trichlorethyl phosphate price per kg - check with the manager. Packaging TCEP is supplied in sealed drums or cubes. In the future, repartition is carried out in compliance with all precautions. And the product can be supplied in 25L denomination. Trichloroethyl phosphate storage conditions and transportation Expiration date: 6 months. It is taken into account from the moment of production. In this case, the substance should be tightly sealed, neither air nor moisture should get into it! Trichloroethyl phosphate is transported by absolutely any type of transport, the main thing is that the vehicle must be equipped with a heating element. UN hazard class: 6.1 Purchases 2021 - made strictly by agreement. Since the product cannot be stored in the warehouse for a long time, it is not packed in large volumes.
    The product quality guarantee is confirmed by certificates and studies from the manufacturer, which are applied to all batches.

    Trichloroethyl Phosphate (TCEP) Applications

    1. In the manufacture of non-combustible polymers;

    2. In compositions, the end product of which is linoleum;

    3. To create laminated glass

    4. Raw materials for making artificial leather. The leather is made on a PVC backing;

    5. Directly, as a plasticizer. TCEP also has such properties.

    6. Component for the production of decorative facade tiles (for PVC);
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TCEP / Trichloroethyl Phosphate