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Стирол в/с марка СДЭБ ГОСТ 10003-90 с изм.1

Прозрачная жидкость без примесей со слегка выраженным характерным запахом. Применяется при изготовлении полистирола, АБС-пластиков, стирол-акрилонитрила, латексов и каучуков, в составе которых есть стирол. Получают методом каталитического дегидрирования этилбензола. Практически нерастворим в воде.
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Основные характеристики

· основное вещество: 99,8%; · фенилацетилен: 0,01%; · дивинилбензол: 0,0005%; · карбонильные соединения: 0,01%; · полимеры: 0,001; · агрегатное состояние: жидкость.
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Styrene brand SDEB
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  • What does it look like -
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  • Fraction of tertiary amine -
  • Hydrogen ion activity index -
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Premium styrene grade SDEB, GOST 10003-90 with amendment 1 Transparent liquid without impurities with a slightly pronounced characteristic odor. It is used in the manufacture of polystyrene, ABS plastics, styrene-acrylonitrile, latexes and rubbers, which contain styrene. Obtained by the method of catalytic dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene. Practically insoluble in water. Main characteristics: · basic substance: 99.8%; Phenylacetylene: 0.01%; Divinylbenzene: 0.0005%; · Carbonyl compounds: 0.01%; Polymers: 0.001; · State of aggregation: liquid.
  • What does it look like -
  • Mass fraction of active substance -
  • Fraction of tertiary amine -
  • Hydrogen ion activity index -
  • Melting temperature -
    Safety and transportation Styrene of the highest grade belongs to the 3rd hazard class substances. Causes redness of the skin, irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes, provokes problems with the upper respiratory tract. Transport and store under nitrogen in containers made of aluminum, stainless steel, bimetal at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C. Work with the liquid should be in protective clothing, a respirator, tight-fitting glasses, rubber boots and gloves. Avoid contact with sources of open fire, food, flammable substances. Styrene prices vary from the wholesale you are willing to purchase. Payment is made in advance, that is, in advance. Other scenarios for the development of the transaction are possible after full trusting cooperation.
    A quality certificate is provided for styrene GOST 10003-90, grade SDEB. Trial shipments of the product are also provided.
Individual support for any kind of organization
Delivery without accidents regardless of crisis and circumstances
Only certified products
Laboratory support, enhanced by science centres and laboratories
Cyclic logistics set influenced by contragent's wishes
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Styrene brand SDEB