Important information
Carbamide is used to extract melamine. In the process of producing such a product, a lot of ammonia and CO2 appear. But these substances are again sent to production. As a result, carbamide is obtained again. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to reduce emissions into the external environment.
Melamine is a popular raw material, which is actively used to produce polymer products. It is used for the production of coatings, textiles, paper, fire-fighting materials, concrete, wood slabs, laminated plastics.
Melamine essence differs in several important features:
• solid resistance to various mechanical factors (chips, scratches, bumps);
• safely in contact with a humid environment;
• practically not metabolized (does not participate in metabolism);
• does not damage the mucous membrane and skin;
• upon penetration into the body, it is completely excreted with sweat and urine;
• immune to chemicals and household liquids (alcohols, solvents, inks, various coloring drinks);
• even in direct sunlight, it almost does not lose its original characteristics;
• melamine surfaces are undemanding to care for.