Изготовлена по ГОСТ Р 55064-2012, присвоена марка РМ.
Бесцветная, иногда окрашенная жидкость с характерным запахом. Необходима при производстве бумаги, различных видов пластмасс.
Применяется в химической и нефтяной промышленности, в процессе изготовления разнопланового мыла.
Используется для эффективной нейтрализации ядовитых соединений, ликвидации засоров в канализации. С ее помощью отделяют плоды и овощи от кожицы, добавляют в кондитерские изделия, овощные консервы и т. д.
Тара, в которой поставляется продукт: Еврокуб, ЖД цистерна, Авто цистерна, Канистра, Наливом
Срок хранения: 1-3 года с даты изготовления
Существует также:
- Каустик ГОСТ 2263-79 используется чаще для нефтяной промышленности (ТУ 2132-185-00203312-99).
- Каустик технический высший сорт РД ГОСТ Р 55064 диафрагменный
РМ-А и РМ-Б выпускается как раствор, цена за кг и за тонну варьируется от объема закупки.
Caustic soda brand RM solution
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What does it look likethe solution is predominantly transparent without a shade
Mass fraction of active substance99%
Fraction of tertiary amine0.001
Hydrogen ion activity index-
Melting temperature165
Technical caustic soda, premium grade RM, solution, GOST R 55064-2012
Colorless, sometimes colored liquid with a characteristic odor. It is necessary in the production of paper and various types of plastics, it is used in the chemical and petroleum industries, in the process of making soap and detergents. It is used to effectively neutralize toxic compounds, eliminate blockages in the sewage system. With its help, fruits and vegetables are separated from the skin, added to confectionery, canned vegetables, etc.
What does it look likethe solution is predominantly transparent without a shade
Mass fraction of active substance99%
Fraction of tertiary amine0.001
Hydrogen ion activity index-
Melting temperature165
Buy caustic soda
RM grade in solution
Security and storage
Refers to substances of hazard class 2. Explosive and fire hazardous. On contact with the skin, it causes burns, prolonged interaction with the liquid leads to the appearance of ulcers and eczema. Very harmful to mucous membranes and eyes.
It is transported in glass containers or in bulk in metal tanks by covered road, rail and water transport. Store in dry, but not heated, well-ventilated warehouses.
Varieties / brands: flaked, granulated, solution (everything is in stock!)
Caustic soda, how to buy in bulk?
To do this, make a preliminary request on our website, indicating the tonnage that is required by your enterprise or company. Then insert the company card.
After reviewing the information, the lead manager will provide you with a commercial offer, in which there will be a gradation in value depending on the wholesale.
If you need to buy 1 bag (25 kg) caustic. In this case, delivery is possible, only in the case of groupage cargo. That is, the car will go with chemical additives through your city (so the logistics are not expensive and, accordingly, the bag of caustic soda itself is cheaper).
You can also pick up a solution of caustic soda directly from our warehouse: Moscow, Peter, Ufa.